Coral Hub U.S. Amino Medley


  •  Nutrition to support coral growth and survival
  • Aids in protein synthesis
  • Enhance the coloration of coral
  • Nutrients for coral, fish, and inverts
  • Contains 18+ amino acids

How to Dose: For best results turn off mechanical filtration. Dose 1 ml per 50 gallons daily. After 2-3 weeks can increase to 2-3 ml per 50 gallons. Do not exceed 5 ml per 50 gallons per day. Turn filtration after 20 mins. Can be dosed alone or mixed with food.

Storage: Keep in a cool dry place. Refrigeration is not needed but will extend shelf life.

Amino acids are essential to coral reef tanks because they play a crucial role in supporting the health and growth of corals and other marine organisms within the tank. Corals, in particular, rely heavily on amino acids for various biological functions. Here are some reasons why amino acids are important in coral reef tanks:

Coral nutrition: Corals are sessile animals, meaning they are permanently attached to a substrate and cannot actively seek out food. Instead, they rely on their tentacles to capture plankton and other tiny organisms from the water. Amino acids are one of the essential nutrients found in plankton, and they serve as a vital food source for corals. Providing amino acids in the tank helps ensure that corals receive the necessary nutrition to support their growth and survival.

Protein synthesis: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Corals, like all living organisms, require proteins for various physiological processes, including tissue repair, growth, and reproduction. Adequate levels of amino acids in the water contribute to the synthesis of proteins, which is crucial for the health and maintenance of coral colonies.

Stress reduction: Environmental stressors, such as changes in water parameters, fluctuations in temperature, or pollutants, can negatively impact corals. Amino acids have been shown to help reduce stress in corals by promoting cellular repair and enhancing the coral’s ability to withstand stressors. This is especially important in coral reef tanks where environmental conditions can be more challenging to control than in natural reef ecosystems.

Coloration and pigmentation: Amino acids play a role in the synthesis of pigments responsible for the vibrant colors seen in healthy corals. Providing the right balance of amino acids can enhance the coloration of corals, making them more visually appealing in the tank.

Symbiotic relationships: Corals have a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae. These algae live within the coral’s tissues and provide them with essential nutrients, including some amino acids. By supporting the health of corals through amino acid supplementation, the symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae can be enhanced, leading to improved overall coral health.

Overall tank health: Amino acids benefit not only corals but also other organisms in the tank, such as fish and invertebrates. Many marine organisms require amino acids for their growth and metabolic processes. When amino acids are present in appropriate concentrations, it contributes to a thriving and balanced reef ecosystem.

In summary, amino acids are vital for the health, growth, and coloration of corals in reef tanks. By providing these essential nutrients, aquarists can promote the well-being of corals and other marine life in the tank, leading to a more vibrant and sustainable reef ecosystem.

Coral Hub Amino Medley contains 18+ amino acids ready for the coral to consume.

Coral Hub is not responsible for your tank with the misuse of this product.

Coral Medley

60 ml dropper, 500 ml bottle, 1 gallon jug, 2.5 gallon jug


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